What we research

By cooperating with renowned technical universities in Dresden and Berlin, we ensure that we are always working hand in hand with the latest research. In addition to individual vehicle and infrastructure components and subsystems, our research always focusses on overall system optimisation.

What we develop

We are the point of contact for the development of new products, processes and services for the railway industry, railway operators, suppliers and local communities. Using innovation and modern research, we want to jointly develop, discuss and evaluate projects with our partners.

What we put into practice

In addition to offering high-quality engineering services such as design, project management and technical conception, we at the IFB sell our own products and provide technical and commercial services for them. Our goal is to design railway systems that are fit for the future, effective and sustainable.

Increasing challenges demand complex solutions:

5.7 billion

The number of passengers
is increasing every year,
as are their demands.

40 experts

from the fields of electronics,
rolling stock (vehicule) engineering,
economics and transportation.

In 15 countries

we have developed new projects
with companies worldwide.

Our product benefits at a glance:



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Das Institut für Bahntechnik ist gemäß
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 zertifiziert.


Sie erreichen uns am Hauptsitz Berlin:
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 39 99 24 - 0
E-Mail: ifb-berlin@bahntechnik.de

Sie erreichen uns in der Niederlassung Dresden:
Tel.: +49 (0)351 / 8 77 59 - 0
E-Mail: ifb-dresden@bahntechnik.de


Die Datenschutzerklärung (Privacy Policy) für das Internet-Angebot des IFB Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH finden Sie auf der Seite Datenschutz.

Sollten Sie eine Frage zu unserem Web-Auftritt im Zusammenhang mit Datenschutz haben, erreichen Sie uns hier: datenschutz@bahntechnik.de